For HR Matters
For Tender & Contract Matters
For Investment Matters
For Other Matters
For Personal Data Protection Matters

+65 6744 9388 (Line 1)
+65 6744 3072 (Line 2)
+65 6744 9563 (Line 3)
+65 6744 1498 (Line 4)

33 Ubi Avenue 3, #02-16 Vertex, Singapore 408868
4 Kwong Min Road Singapore 628707
Drop us a message below.

Supply Koyo
Our suppliers play a critical role in the success of our Group. To meet our commitments to our customers, we seek materials suppliers, services provider and sub-contractors who can add value and yield synergistic benefits with us.
Our procurement team is always open to new partnerships. We are therefore looking for suppliers who share our philosophy and can contribute to our long-term business success. If you think there are opportunities to work together with, we would be delighted to hear from you.
Please contact us or send your company details and contacts via email and we will forward them to the relevant person in-charge.
Business Opportunities
If you are interested in enquiring about becoming a business partner with us in any business or franchise opportunities, we want to hear from you. Koyo welcomes new ideas and intellectual cooperation between individuals, companies or institutions which may foster continuous innovation and the development of new products and services.
Please contact us or send your company details and contacts via email and we will forward them to the relevant person in-charge.